Monday, August 31, 2009

Motivational Blogging

What forces you out of bed in the morning? I've been spending a lot of time recently thinking about motivation and how much it factors in to my every day life. So often, I feel as though I am lacking in motivation but haven't the slightest clue why or how to amend the situation. And how does ... inspiration correlate with motivation?

I know so many people who just ... go through life. And I am finding it difficult to maintain my friendships with them. I feel like they have dissimilar priorities to my own and live without motivation, inspiration or any further thought past the mundane responsibilities and token joys afforded to us as human beings. I want to surround myself with people who struggle, as I do, with the keys to life, in search of the perfect combination .

As many years as I've lived (almost 25!) - I feel I still piece together discoveries, both about myself, others and how we all relate. And somehow, in the back of my mind, I feel as though the end result will show me the answer to motivation, as I am convinced THAT is the secret of life. It is behind everything! Why do people act the way they do? Why do they choose certain careers, paths of educations, significant others? In a few case studies I have spent time observing and considering, consistency shows throughout these categories in their lives. Although I am CONVINCED that they are not aware of it. Which, of course, doesn't surprise me, as I haven't even come close to figuring out my own.

So this isn't really about a noun. BUT - to me, this is about something that is BEHIND every noun - why do we listen to certain music, read books, watch movies, choose the nouns in our lives? Most rewards we have in our lives (which would seem to drive motivation) are human created, societally accepted (or not) and mostly in our minds. It's too elusive and over-simplifies the enigma.

Ok, well. If anyone figures it out, be sure to let me know.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Say Cheese...and Biscuit

Today is the day. Well, hopefully. Today is the SECOND time we have scheduled our engagement photos. Hopefully they will actually happen this time - last attempt had to be canceled due to inclement weather, a circumstance more present than not in Chicagoland (particularly this summer).

The sun is out so far, so that bodes well. Penny doesn't seem convinced, however. She has been pacing around the apartment all morning, whining at the top of her lungs. Perhaps she has to go out. Perhaps she's hungry. Or PERHAPS she has heard rumors that I will be forcing her to wear a darling pink sweater to match with Dan and myself for the photography session. (That, by the way, is not true - I only claim it is to torture Dan. He does not like animals dressed as humans).

IRREGARDLESS, we will all put on our happy faces and document our engagement pictorially. It could be the best of times or the worst of times, but I'm sure we will triumph in either situation. At the end of the day, what we will most likely remember when we look at these pictures is how we spent so much time preparing for an event that only took about an hour. It's great preparation for the wedding. The time leading up to the event will most likely be the best time as anticipation is often better than gratification (except in the case of a glass of wine or falling asleep).

And so we will end this dreary, rainy, stressful and tense week with what I hope to make a very fun experience. And, isn't that what life is all about? Working hard so that you can play later?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Nouns of our Lives?

So, this is the FOURTH blog I've started. Although, in all honesty, the last blog I wrote had to end out of geographical necessity (it was all about places we saw and visited whilst living in the city, and alas! we no longer live there).

HOWEVER - I strongly feel that I have a winner in this blog. I'm committed, and I have a great theme to tie it all together - STUFF! Nouns - people, places and things that are interesting and worthy of comment. I have become a little addicted to Twitter, so it will be a little strange to have more than 140 characters to work with, but I'm hoping that at least some of you Friday slackers will become interested enough to use this as your afternoon entertainment (after you've spent all your money shopping online, read all of your celebrity blogs and taken a nap).

I am also always open for STUFF to comment upon, and I can usually form an opinion fairly quickly when the necessity arises, so don't be afraid to shout out your stuff. K? K.