Monday, August 31, 2009

Motivational Blogging

What forces you out of bed in the morning? I've been spending a lot of time recently thinking about motivation and how much it factors in to my every day life. So often, I feel as though I am lacking in motivation but haven't the slightest clue why or how to amend the situation. And how does ... inspiration correlate with motivation?

I know so many people who just ... go through life. And I am finding it difficult to maintain my friendships with them. I feel like they have dissimilar priorities to my own and live without motivation, inspiration or any further thought past the mundane responsibilities and token joys afforded to us as human beings. I want to surround myself with people who struggle, as I do, with the keys to life, in search of the perfect combination .

As many years as I've lived (almost 25!) - I feel I still piece together discoveries, both about myself, others and how we all relate. And somehow, in the back of my mind, I feel as though the end result will show me the answer to motivation, as I am convinced THAT is the secret of life. It is behind everything! Why do people act the way they do? Why do they choose certain careers, paths of educations, significant others? In a few case studies I have spent time observing and considering, consistency shows throughout these categories in their lives. Although I am CONVINCED that they are not aware of it. Which, of course, doesn't surprise me, as I haven't even come close to figuring out my own.

So this isn't really about a noun. BUT - to me, this is about something that is BEHIND every noun - why do we listen to certain music, read books, watch movies, choose the nouns in our lives? Most rewards we have in our lives (which would seem to drive motivation) are human created, societally accepted (or not) and mostly in our minds. It's too elusive and over-simplifies the enigma.

Ok, well. If anyone figures it out, be sure to let me know.

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